Shopping can be a chore. Stores are crowded, some things can be hard-to-locate in the store, and long waits are frustrating. There are better ways to spend your time.
To make shopping easier, you could write down a shopping list. That's a good start, but the problem with a paper list is that it only tracks what you remember to write down. So if you forget to write down a regular item like eggs or milk, you might forget to buy it. So you might need a second trip to the store. And one thing worse than one chore ... is two chores.
That's what makes an electronic shopping list so useful: it remembers what you write down this week, and it can suggest other things based on previous lists. So you can't blame anyone else if you forget the milk this week.
A smartphone app makes this even better: it's in your pocket or purse when you plan and when you shop, remembering everything on your shopping list. I reviewed a few shopping list apps, but I didn't like what I found. So, I created OneTrip. More about that next time.
Next step: Very cool. I'd like to see it figure out my list based on my weekly meal plan.